Kit Chan


Key Experiences:

  • Tropical Fruit Development Expertise;
  • Kit Chan has more than 28 years of full-time commercial experience in managing sustainable tropical fruit production for export markets in K-Farm Sdn Bhd.
  • Kit Chan was the international expert, having developed the Codes of Practice Program for Pakistan Horticulture Sector under UNIDO/TRTA II; implemented the integrated production systems, value chain development on productivity, sustainable standards programs and market linkages.
  • Kit Chan has written the project document for the implementation scheme of PakistanGAP Standards for Pakistan, also under the UNIDO/ TRTA II Programs.
  • In other projects, he has developed rural community cluster programs, farm extension programs, implemented GAP programs, Farmers Field Schools and has undertaken projects of “integrating farmers to the market”.
  • His expertise also lies in global market access and development for tropical fruit export, sourcing of regional and international fruit producers/suppliers, and developing trade networks.
  • He has extensive commercial experience with agri-business value chain; production, fresh distribution logistics, strategic export and marketing.
  • Kit Chan is a regular Resource Person in training courses/workshops for the APO and FAO on agribusiness, agrifood supply chain management, food standards on production & post-harvest handling.