Dr. P. Dharmalingam specializes in e nergy audits and e nergy management systems. With a career spanning over three decades at the National Productivity Council, Government of India, he has been instrumental in advancing energy efficiency in various industries, conduct ing over 500 energy audits in the refinery, steel, cement, fertilizer, chemical, paper, sugar, automotive, railway, power plant, and commercial building sectors; and organiz ing more than 350 workshops and training programs in India and the Asia - Pacific region on energy management. Dr. Dharmalingam has served as a technical expert for organizations like the UNEP and Asian Productivity Organization.
His professional accomplishments include co-authoring a guidebook on energy efficiency and contributing to the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Training on Energy Efficiency. As an accredited energy auditor of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency , Government of India, he has conducted numerous verifications of energy monitoring and played a central role in India’s Energy Auditor Examination over a five-year period.
Presently, as the head of EnSave Consultancy and Training Pvt Ltd and Ensave Academy, he continues to conduct energy audits and training projects focused on enhancing energy efficiency.