Dr. Elma Laguna is Associate Professor of Demography at the Population Institute, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman. She obtained her doctor Elma Lagunal degree in Social Sciences and Economics (Dr.rer.pol.) from the University of Bremen, Germany. She has a Master’s degree in Demography from the UP Population Institute and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Research from the UP College of Mass Communication. Her areas of expertise include youth sexuality, migration and intergenerational relationships, aging and retirement, demographic and health surveys, and quantitative research methods.
She has been involved in a number of national surveys on children, youth, and older persons and undertaken analyses using the Demographic and Health Surveys. Associate Professor Laguna has also served as a consultant for monitoring and evaluation studies for the Demographic Research and Development Foundation, USAID, UNICEF, UNAIDS, Zuellig Family Foundation, and Philippine Commission on Women, among others.