George Wong

George is the Founder, Managing Director, and Principal Consultant of Hoclink Systems & Services Private  Limited, a Singapore consulting company founded in 1995. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and has 20 years of working experience at Philips Singapore and Singapore Technologies Engineering. He was a pioneer Key Productivity Activist appointed by the Singapore National Productivity Board in 1985 (now known as Enterprise Singapore) to assist in the productivity movement of Singapore. In 2014, he was appointed the Chief Productivity Officer of the Singapore Productivity Centre. He is a certified management consultant and has been actively serving as a technical expert/resource person for the APO since 1997 in the areas of productivity, innovation, business excellence, lean, total quality management, service excellence, benchmarking, industrial engineering, innovation and quality circles, and SME development programs. George has also served as a Singapore Quality Award National Assessor with SPRING Singapore, a School Excellence Model External Assessor with the Singapore Ministry of Education, and a Team Excellence/Innovation & Quality Circles Lead Judge with the Singapore Productivity Association.