Graeme Hodge is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and an internationally respected scholar on public policy and regulation. A winner of Monash University’s Doctoral Supervision Excellence Award, he has published 12 books and 115 papers in journals on public policy and administration, law, economics, science, business management, and infrastructure. Professor Hodge has worked in both the public and private sectors and served as a consultant to the OECD, European Commission, UN, ADB, Commonwealth Secretariat, and Australian government on issues of public policy and regulatory governance. He has also served as special adviser and contributed to 22 Parliamentary Committees and Inquiries. His research has covered privatization, public–private partnerships, government accountability, water-sector regulation, electricity reform, nanotechnology regulation, and urban services. His next book is Research Handbook on Privatization (with Carsten Greve and Eoin Reeves), Edward Elgar, UK.