Takeo Shiina is a professor in the Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan. His research field is Food Engineering and Postharvest Engineering. Professor Shiina has actively participated in academic and non-academic work. He has published numerous journal articles and book chapters on topics such as Estimation of changes in mechanical and color properties from the weight loss data of ‘Shine Muscat’ fruit during storage, Application and simplification of cell-based equivalent circuit model analysis of electrical impedance for assessment of drop shock bruising in Japanese pear tissues, Applicability of vacuum-microwave drying for tomato fruit based on evaluations of energy cost, color, functional components and sensory qualities, Modeling of the Respiration Rate and Gene Expression Patterns of Cabbage in Response to Mechanical Impact Stress Using a Modified Weibull Distribution, Life cycle inventory analysis of fresh tomato distribution systems in Japan considering the quality aspect, A review of life cycle assessment (LCA) on some food products. He has served as a member of committees such as the Society of Packaging Science & Technology, Japan (President), Japan Association of Food Preservation Scientists (Member of board of Directors), the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan (Member of board of Directors).
Professor Shiina received a Ph.D. in Agriculture at Tsukuba University, Japan.