Public-sector organizations are increasingly utilizing lean management methods derived from private industry to improve and transform public service delivery. The methods and principles address organizational inefficiency, help streamline processes, and enhance the capacity of public-sector organizations to provide quick, more reliable services.Lean management is a set of principles and methods focused on the identification and elimination of nonvalue-added activity. It promotes a positive balance between service quality and cost in the public sector. Toyota Motor, the pioneer of lean methods, has exemplified their successful implementation since the 1950s to optimize cost, quality, and customer service.This e-course will guide the applications of lean management for public-sector operations to streamline inefficiencies and enhance productivity performance in the long run. This approach enables public-sector organizations to better meet the needs of the public while maximizing the use of available resources.
Course ObjectivesThe main objectives of this course are:
This e-learning course covers the following modules:Module 1: Challenge in public sector and lean principles Module 2: Identifying value for public sector with lean thinking Module 3: Understanding value stream in public sector Module 4: Implementing lean public process with flow and pull`Module 5: Daily life for perfection in lean public sector
Important Notes: