Thermal utilities convert chemical energy from fuel such as oil, coal, and gas in addition to agroresidues into heat energy for further applications in processes or to generate power. Thermal energy constitutes a significant portion of total energy consumption at enterprise level. The associated steam systems and heat exchangers conveying the heat generated from sources to usage points also form an integral part of manufacturing, process, and service activities. However, the use of fossil fuels as a major source of primary energy for industry leads to environmental issues like pollution, climate change, etc. Those resources are nonrenewable and will be depleted in the foreseeable future. This calls for immediate attention and action.   

In efforts to disseminate relevant knowledge and build capacity through self-learning e-courses, the APO launched the course on General Aspects of Energy Management and Audit in 2020 to acquaint participants with the global energy scenario and environmental issues, familiarize them with international agreements on climate change, and impart knowledge of basic concepts of energy audits including related topics.  

This course is a continuation of that self-learning e-course, with a focus on thermal utilities and recent technological advances and equipment for industries. The objectives of the course are to:   

  1. Provide updated knowledge on thermal utilities, associated equipment, and systems.   

  1. Impart know-how on basic principles and performance evaluation of thermal utilities, guidelines for efficient use of related systems, and emerging technologies. 

  1. Summarize best practices and techniques in efficient operation of thermal utilities to unlock their potential in terms of energy saving, natural resource conservation, and monetary benefits.

Course Modules 

The e-learning course will cover the following modules:  

Module 1: Overview of thermal utilities, different fuel types, and efficient combustion techniques 

Module 2: Boilers and heaters: Classifications of steam boilers, their performance evaluation, water treatment, and thermic fluid heaters 

Module 3: Steam distribution networks, steam traps and their selection, and efficient utilization of steam    

Module 4: Furnaces, their performance parameters, minimizing heat losses, and recent developments  

Module 5: Applications for utilizing waste heat commercially, technological advances, and generating heat and power simultaneously. 

Important Notes: 

1) Participants who register to take this course and pass the final examination with a score of 70% or higher will be eligible to receive the APO certificate. Please note that the final examination can be taken only once. Therefore, the most appropriate time to take the examination should be chosen carefully. The self-assessment quizzes are for personal evaluation only and are not related to the final examination results.

2) Participants who perform well in this course and receive the APO certificate will be given preference, on a merit basis, for selection to attend follow-up face-to-face multicountry APO projects on similar topics, when nominated by their NPOs and if slots are available.   

3) Notes 1 and 2 are applicable only to participants from APO member countries. Those from nonmember countries are welcome to take the course for self-improvement, although they are not eligible to attend follow-up face-to-face multicountry APO projects.

4) Each module is in a prerecorded video format in which the expert delivers presentations by explaining each slide. Participants can access the video by clicking on the link provided under the title of each module. 

Course Duration in Hours: 20 Hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Upcoming Course: No
New Course: Yes